西村 大介 / DUNK
ロック・ポップ・ビッグビート・ニューウェーヴを軸に、近年 はヒーリング・アンビエントに傾倒した独自の音楽 世界観が評判を呼び、多様なメディア(TVドラマ/アニメ、映画、CM etc.)や アーティストへ楽曲を提供。
Daisuke Nishimura / DUNK
Born in Tama, Tokyo.
He started his music career with his band SIDEKICK9 and released self-titled debut album in 2001.
He expanded his career by playing with several bands including TOYBEATS. In recent years, he is spreading his arena as a solo artist and composing various music for TV programs, anime soundtracks, commercial films, and other popular musicians.
His unique style based on rock, pop, new-wave with a touch of ambience and healing vibes gains more and more reputations.

DUNKのソロ・プロジェクト(ボーカル/ギター/キーボード/プログラミング etc)。
live information
Solo project by DUNK (vocal, guitar, keyboard, programming etc.) started 2022.
His first song “D-HEADS” is chosen as the opening theme for a drama series “Gray-zone Island” which stars popular YouTuber group “Tokai On Air”